Robert Lehman
ROBERT LEHMAN has a Masters degree in Environmental Studies and worked initially for the City of Toronto Planning Department. He became a consultant in 1974, establishing his own practice in 1980 in the City of Barrie. The firm of Lehman & Associates located on Collier Street eventually grew to 25 employees with offices in Barrie, Toronto and Thunder Bay.
Bob has acted as project director for major research and policy studies related to the Province’s Growth Plan, the Commission on New Planning for Ontario and the Urban Density Study for the Office for the Greater Toronto Area. He has been retained by a number of public and private sector organizations to assist in a wide variety of communications-led processes including Local Government Restructuring Studies and Growth Management exercises.
Twice planner in residence at the University of Waterloo School of Planning, Bob is the author of the Zoning Trilogy, a bestseller of the American Planning Association Bookstore. Twice awarded with the Canadian Institute of Planners Honour Award for Planning Excellence, Bob served as the Chair of the College of Fellows from 2010 to 2014.
Bob is slowly retiring but continues to teach at the University of Waterloo Graduate School of Planning. He continues to provide strategic advice to a small group of clients including the Toronto District School Board, the Catholic Archdiocese of Toronto, the Legislative Assembly of Ontario and a number of large industries in the GTA.