Climate Change: Understanding Globally, Adapting Locally
Tuesday’s Sept 25th to October 23rd, 2018 1:30-3:30
Grace United Church, Cook & Grove St., Barrie
As the earth’s (allegedly) most intelligent species, we have been rather poor stewards of our “pale blue dot”. How badly are we failing and why? What can we be doing to combat climate change and adapt to its effects? Ontario’s environmental watchdog, Dr. Dianne Saxe, will describe our current situation and how we got here. Famed climatologist, Dave Phillips, and health expert, Dr. Charles Gardner, will explain how climate is changing our weather and affecting our health. We will also have two panel sessions: one with our three levels of government (including Mayor Jeff Lehman), and another with local activists. Each panel will discuss what they are doing to offset climate change. There will be plenty of opportunity to query all the terrific experts we have assembled.
Tuesday September 25: Climate Changes Everything
Presenter: Dr. Dianne Saxe, Environmental Commissioner of Ontario
Environmental Commissioner of Ontario Dianne Saxe will provide an overview of her most recent Greenhouse Gas Progress Report. The Commissioner will summarize recent climate science on the urgent threat climate change poses to our planet and our province; information about Ontario’s current greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions; and what needs to be done to reduce emissions and adapt for the future. It is too late to just talk about the climate, what counts now is action.
See Biography: Dr. Dianne Saxe
October 2: Government Responses to Climate Change
How are our three levels of government responding to the challenges of climate change, with both mitigation and adaptation strategies?
Presenters: A panel representing three levels of government.
- Jeff Lehman, Mayor, City of Barrie
- Bonnie North, Deputy Leader of the Ontario Green Party
- Beate Bowron FCIP, RPP & Gary Davidson FCIP, RPP
- Bob Lehman, Panel Moderator, President of Lehman Associates
Lecture Summary
Mayor Jeff Lehman Presentation Notes
Beate Bowron & Gary Davidson Presentation Notes
Tuesday October 9: Our Weather
Presenter: Dave Phillips, Chief Climatologist, Environment Canada
More and more people are asking: What’s happening to our weather? It’s almost as if extreme weather has become the new norm. A majority of experts suggest that we are witnessing run-away climate change and that extreme weather may be the most telling and significant proof of an overheated, out-of-control planet. What we are seeing is not just a warming up but a destabilization of historic weather patterns and a change in the statistics of weather. What is for sure is that we can no longer assume that yesterday’s weather will apply tomorrow. Coping with more variable and extreme weather will take more ingenuity and adaptability – something Canadians are good at.
See Biography: Dave Phillips
Dave Phillips Presentation Notes
Tuesday October 16: Our Health
Presenters: Dr. Charles Gardner & Morgan Levison
Climate change is already affecting the health of Canadians, and is expected to continue throughout the 21st Century. Impacts are widespread, and can be both direct (including injuries and illness from extreme weather events) and indirect (such as access to affordable food and mental health impacts). While climate change is sometimes viewed as a global or national issue, understanding the potential local impacts of climate change is important for public health, which can act as supporters and advocates for reducing climate-related health impacts at the community level.
Simcoe Muskoka has felt and will continue to feel the effects of climate change. From increasing temperatures and changing weather patterns, to impacts on food access and water quality, the health of residents will continually be challenged. Because of this, the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit has assessed the vulnerability of our communities to the anticipated impacts of climate change, and is engaging with our communities to mitigate and adapt to these changes.
This lecture will discuss the impacts that climate change is having on health within Simcoe Muskoka. It will highlight how our climate will change in the future, what current and projected health impacts will be, and who will be most vulnerable within our communities to these changes. It will also highlight how as individuals and communities we can act to mitigate and adapt to this new climate reality, to ensure resilient communities moving forward.
See Biography: Dr Charles Gardner, & Morgan Levison
Air times for Our Health
Sunday November 18th at 9am
Monday November 19th at 9:30am
Monday November 19th at 5pm
Tuesday November 20th at 8am
Thursday November 22nd at 10am
October 23: Local Climate Initiatives
Three local activists present varying perspectives on how they have chosen to act on the challenges presented by climate change.
- Dr. Brad Dibble, Al Gore Climate Reality Leader
- Ms. Margaret Prophet, Simcoe County Greenbelt Coalition
- Dave Collacutt, Drawdown Facilitator
- Deb Woods, Moderator, TAB Executive Committee
Lecture Summary
Dr. Brad Dibble Presentation Notes
Ms. Margaret Prophet Presentation Notes
Dave Callacutt Presentation Notes
Air times for Local Climate Initiatives
Sunday November 25th at 9am
Monday November 26th at 9:30am
Monday November 26th at 5pm
Tuesday November 27th at 8am
Thursday November 29th at 10am
Venue: Grace United Church
Venue Website:
350 Grove St. E, Barrie, Ontario, Canada