Our Amazing Universe Video Series
Even Though the Fall Lecture Series is Sold Out You Don’t Have to Miss Out!
See the Video Replay of Our Amazing Universe
Dates: November 3, 4, 5
Time: Starts at 1:30 with a 20 minute break between videos.
Location: Grace United Church, 350 Grove St. East
Paul Bassett (our Prospects Beyond Man speaker) will host the videos and conduct Q&A sessions.
Where did our universe come from? Was there actually a beginning of time? Or can we find out what was before the beginning?
Robert Mann, U. Waterloo, Perimeter Institute
and followed by: From Atoms to Galaxies: the Growth of Structure in the Universe
How could a simple soup of subatomic particles turn into the extraordinarily complex universe we see today?
Michael Balogh, U. Waterloo
Wed Nov 4 – Video Replay of: Black Holes, Dark Matter & other Cosmic Mysteries
Can a teaspoon of matter outweigh Mt. Everest? Can black holes swallow each other? What’s so far undetectable yet shapes galaxies? What’s ripping our universe apart?
Robert Mann, U. Waterloo, Perimeter Institute
Earth pales when compared to many exotic Earth-size planets that circle other stars, some in less than a day! Could their vastly different climates harbor life?
Kristen Menou, U. Toronto
Thurs Nov 5 – Video Replay of: Prospects Beyond Man
Are we part of a larger pattern? Our corner of the cosmos could catalyze the most profound event since life itself.
Paul Bassett, (formerly) York U.
Enjoy all five video screenings for just $20,
click on the Reserve Seats button!
Note: There will be a Q&A and/or intermission after each lecture. You may bring bottled water with you, but no food or other beverages will be allowed in the Sanctuary. TAB executive and presenter Paul Bassett will be on hand to answer questions and discuss issues of audience interest. Sorry you cannot reserve for just one day, but we encourage you to give your seat to a friend if you are not coming every day.
Those who attend the live lectures are, of course, also welcome to come and enjoy the lectures again!